Real Life Christian Communities

Our Spiritual Blessings In Christ

We can only experience every spiritual blessing from God through our union with Christ. Apart from our relationship with Him, which is always by grace through faith, we cannot experience all that God has prepared for us. Therefore, it is important to remain in Him regardless of our circumstances. Everyday...

Created In The Image Of God

Often we think of the phrase "image of God" in terms of either value (self worth) or capacities (i.e., our abilities to think, feel, etc.). Rarely, do we think of it as a vocation or mission. The phrase...

Experiencing Peace

Peace between people, whether at home, in society, or even among nations, begins with peace between God and people. Reconciliation with God is the starting point of all kinds of reconciliation between...

Living in Community

Introduction Christian community is a gift from the Lord. A Christian who lives in community with others has a better chance of experiencing real life in Christ together with them. Disregarding community...